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The Prime Minister visits The News Building for Times CEO…

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Prime Minister David Cameron was in The News Building on July 14 2015 to outline his government’s priorities for the next five years.

The Prime Minister was a keynote speaker at the annual Times CEO Summit before captains of industry, finance and commerce, including our own CEO Mike Darcey.

The Prime Minister praised the event, saying:

“It’s a good opportunity to engage with key business leaders.”

He spoke about four key pillars of Government policy:
• To finish off the job in bringing down debt and deficit
• To be the best place in Europe to grow and expand a business
• To run a genuine one-nation government
• To restore pride, prestige and influence of Britain in the world.

The Prime Minister said he needed help from business and highlighted three key areas:
• Closing the skills gap and training
• Creating genuine opportunity through breaking down barriers such as better job prospects for disabled people and closing the gender pay gap
• More exports.

He then answered questions from the audience on a wide-ranging list of topics including the Greek Euro bail-out, fox hunting legislation, the national living wage, terrorism, income tax levels and digital development.

Fellow keynote speaker Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland and Scottish National Party leader, was eager to promote the country as a business location.

She told delegates:

“Scotland has the most pro-business government in the UK through a sense of partnership with business.

“We realise the crucial role of innovation through our universities catering for the needs of private industry.

“We are a government open for business and pleased to do business. The northern powerhouse is Scotland.”

Other speakers at the Vodafone-sponsored event included Business Secretary Sajid Javid and champion jump jockey Tony McCoy in conversation with The Times journalists.

Watch highlights from the Times CEO Summit in the video below:

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