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Lydia Peachey

Head of Trading at News UK


In this week’s Spotlight, we speak to Lydia Peachey, Head of Trading at News UK and co-chair of network News for Parents, on creating new deals and her ambitions for the network.

We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the working day: so what was on the menu this morning?

I’d love to say something cosmopolitan, but just good old toast and Marmite for me this morning.

Sum up what you do at News UK in the shortest sentence possible.

Head up the Trading Team.

Lay a bit of context on that?

Negotiate annual deals with agencies and clients in order to ensure we are maximising advertising revenue across the entire News UK portfolio.

What attracted you to the role in the first place?

Learning a new skill set and expanding on what I had already learnt from being on the day to day publishing team. The role would take myself out of my comfort zone and allow me to grow my network both internally and externally.

What are your ambitions as co-chair of the News for Parents Network and how did you become part of it?

I was approached to join the network after returning from maternity leave. As Co-Chair I really hope to continue to establish the network to ensure parents at News to feel supported enabled and empowered at work, and enable the platform to also showcase what News UK has to offer for all current and future parents. One thing by Liz and I are really focused on is to ensure that feedback and suggestion are reported back to the business to help shape communications and provide a platform to review future policies.

What’s the most interesting/challenging part of your job?

Working closely as a team to create the best deals that respond to clients and agencies needs whilst incentivising advertising growth yoy. Negotiating a contract and managing/driving its delivery is highly rewarding.

What are the three most important things on your working agenda today?

Group M 2022 negotiations
Review and analysis of all deals
Reviewing International Contract status

Last book, film, binge watch and sounds you consumed?

Book: Diary of an MP’s Wife
Film: James Bond – No time to Die
Binge Watch – Emily in Paris (don’t judge!)
Sound: Little Dragon – Constant Surprises

Who is your role model? And why?

My Grandma: Coming from a generation where the expectation was to run the home and family, my Grandma went against the ‘norm’ of that time and sought out a successful career. Her most inspiring attribute is her passion to travel. At 96 (pre Covid restrictions) she was still travelling and exploring the world! Some of her greatest stories involved negotiating Pirates that came onto her boat off the a remote Island in the Indian Ocean.

What is your most treasured possession?

My passport.

Who would play you in the film of your life?

Oooh, Reese Witherspoon – mainly as she is blonde and short.

Last holiday destination? And why?

Portugal – it was on the green list at the time! I was lucky enough to have shared parental leave with my husband so we travelled around central and southern Portugal for a month together at the end of my maternity leave.

You’ve won ten million on the Lottery – what do you do?

Check the numbers….then check again! Then pack my family of 3’s bags and travel the world.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Never get off your bike until you are at the top of the hill – said by my mother who at the time was encouragingly referring to a small hill in our village where I grew up and we used to go on family bike rides – I can now apply that to so many life lessons.

What one bit of advice would you give someone wanting to do your job?

Come and talk to me about it! You should always go and have the conversation whether it is to be or not.

Tell us something not many people know about you…?

I once auditioned to play the part of Harmony in the Children’s TV programme the Queens nose.

Who would be your three Fantasy Dinner Party guests? And why?

Judi Dench – because she is just all round fantastic
My late dad – that one needs no explaining
Dawn French – I think she would be such a laugh!! She also claims to have only ever been hungover 6 times, so i’d like to try and make it 7!

  • Find more information about News for Parents here.
  • Sign up to News for Parents upcoming event Addressing Adoption here.