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Charlotte Seligman

News UK Broadcasting Head of Casting


This week we caught up with News UK Broadcasting Head of Casting, Charlotte Seligman on recruiting for the TV team, returning to broadcast from print and turning brilliant stories into eye-catching TV.

We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the working day: so what was on the menu this morning?

I can’t start my day without my latte from Leon which I pick up at London Bridge station on my way in (monthly £15 subscription means I’m quids in!) Then I have some granola at my desk while reading the Sun! Rituals are important!

Sum up what you do at News UK in the shortest sentence possible.

Head of casting, TV Broadcasting.

Lay a bit of context on that?

 I’m responsible for finding talent both in front of and behind the camera. You can’t make decent TV shows if you don’t have brilliant people producing them. As a journalist with more than 25 years experience, I’ve also got a great eye for a story and know how to turn that into brilliant eye catching TV.

 What attracted you to the role in the first place?

 I was looking for a move back into TV after leaving ITV’s This Morning to become editor of OK! magazine. The creative vision for a new TV network hugely appealed and I felt this was too good an opportunity to miss. With engaging content, intelligent debate, and thought provoking discussion, talkTV is going to be what everyone is talking about. That and Piers Morgan of course!

 What’s the most interesting/challenging part of your job?

 Constantly creating innovative and original content and leading a competitive team to thrive on always wanting to be the best. Setting the topical agenda by making unmissable TV.

What are the two most important things on your working agenda today?

Recruiting an experienced team to produce the Piers Morgan show on talkTV and meeting with HarperCollins CEO Charlie Redmayne to discuss ways in which we can work together with guest booking when our shows launch next year.

Why should people come and work for News UK Broadcasting? 

It’s forward thinking. It’s brave. News UK was a publishing company that has integrated national radio and podcasting with huge success. It’s a world class news gathering operation. And now it’s getting into TV. We will be setting the agenda when talkTV launches, and that’s going to be very exciting to be a part of.

Last book, film, binge watch and sounds you consumed?

Last book….Ruthless Women, written by my friend and celebrity agent to the stars, Melanie Blake. It’s about a failing soap opera and what goes on once the cameras stop rolling. A lot of the characters are based on real people! It does for TV what the Devil Wears Prada did for fashion!

Binge watch….Sex Education on Netflix. Recommended by my teenage son!! I was up ‘til 2.30 am this morning. 

Film – Cinderella on Amazon Prime. With Camilla Cabello and James Corden – two hours of my life I won’t get back!

Sounds – Adele’s song Go Easy on Me.

Who is your role model? And why?

Lois Lane! Yes she’s fictional, but she was my inspiration for becoming a journalist. And I loved the New Adventures of Superman with Terri Hatcher and Dean Cain!

What is your most treasured possession?

Don’t laugh but my Mickey Mouse my parents bought me on my first trip to Disney World when I was 4! I’m now 47! He still sits on my bed even though he’s full of holes and all his stuffing has come out!

Who would play you in the film of your life?

Demi Moore! For some bizarre reason my children think I look like her! Must be the hair! 

Last holiday destination? And why? 

Kos because it was on the amber list and we didn’t have to quarantine when we got home! And it was all inclusive so we could drink as much as we wanted!

You’ve won ten million on the Lottery – what do you do?

Fly all my friends and family out to Barbados first class for a huge party! Then I’d buy a box for my boys at Tottenham Hotspur!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Only surround yourself with brilliant people – they are the ones that will always make you look good! Also you can’t do wrong for doing right: my mum always tells me that. 

What one bit of advice would you give someone wanting to do your job? 

Work hard. Be passionate and committed. You have to live and breathe it every minute of the day because news isn’t a 9 to 5 job. This is a job with incredible highs and lows, but the good always outweighs the bad. 

Tell us something not many people know about you…? 

I once sent my CV into a tabloid newspaper on toilet paper! Did I get the job? Yes! 

Who would be your three Fantasy Dinner Party guests? And why? 

The Queen because I’m a huge monarchist. Miriam Margolyes because most things that come out her mouth are hilariously vulgar and I should say Piers Morgan because I’m sure he’d ruffle a few feathers at the dinner table. At least the evening would be lively!