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Louise Smallbone

Commercial Apprentice, News UK


In a Gen Z network special, Commercial Apprentice, Louise Smallbone tells us about her dream holiday, what the most intriguing and challenging parts of her job are and the proudest moment of her career so far.

What is your role?

Commercial Apprentice.

How long have you been working at News UK?

Two months.

Tell us a bit about your professional background and what attracted you to News UK in the first place?

I graduated in the summer from the University of Birmingham studying English and Drama. I knew I wanted to work in media for a long time, it was just about finding the right role for me. If I’m being honest, I applied to 40+ media schemes. However, when I found the News UK application, it felt too good to be true. I never doubted my ability to get the role, I just doubted it would actually become real!

Sum up what you do at News UK in the shortest sentence possible.

Work in different departments across the commercial floor as an apprentice/junior role.

What’s the most interesting/challenging part of your job?

Getting to be behind the scenes of a big media company.

Tell us about your proudest career-moment so far?

I think booking the Hunter ad in my second week on the job. That was pretty cool. I also credit myself for that week’s magazine success seeing as I told all my friends and family to buy a copy to celebrate!

Where do you see yourself in the next couple of years?

Hopefully working in Fashion, Luxury and Beauty on the client team in News UK.

What’s the weirdest fact you know?

Robin Hood was originally a medieval gay icon, it was the Elizabethans who introduced Maid Marion and made Robin heterosexual.

If you were a fruit, what would you be?

Grape. A very versatile fruit. It can be sweet or can be refreshing. And of course, it is the main ingredient to wine.

Where would you like to go on a dream holiday?

Iceland – I am already saving so I can sleep in a glass pod under the Northern Lights.

What one bit of advice would you give someone wanting to do your job?

Be proactive and ready for anything. A positive attitude goes such a long way.

  • To join the Gen Z network, you should contact Tanisha Sharma, Sophie Orr or Samantha Tait, who will add you to the mailing list and Slack channel. You can also find them on Medium and Instagram.