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Telling Stories That Matter

Holly Hudson

We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the working day: so what was on the menu this morning?

Can you count a coffee as breakfast? I skip breakfast most days. Bad I know.

Sum up what you do at News UK in the shortest sentence possible.

TV news.

Lay a bit of context on that?

I’m responsible for the production of the TV bulletins so I oversee and support the news team to run coverage of the latest stories every half an hour. It’s my job to make editorial and operational decisions to ensure we output the best content possible. I often step in as presenter too – which is fun!

What attracted you to the role in the first place?

It’s not every day as a journalist you get to be part of a brand new TV channel from the very beginning. Having the chance to help build and develop content for News UK’s latest venture into TV was a great opportunity that I couldn’t pass up.

What’s the most interesting/challenging part of your job?

When a huge story breaks that captures the world’s attention such as Sir David Amess’ murder. Following such tragic events and doing them justice can be the most tough, but equally the most rewarding, part of the job.

What are the three most important things on your working agenda today?

It’s Wednesday so that means PMQs and it should be a good one given what’s happened in the past week. I’m presenting this evening’s shift so I’m preparing for that and I need to finalise planning/rotas.

Why should people come and work for News UK Broadcasting? 

No one day is ever the same in TV and that’s especially true of a launch. It’s a very exciting place to be with the potential to drive the news agenda and deliver a fresh approach to story-telling.

Last book, film, binge watch and sounds you consumed?

Book: Currently reading David Sedaris. He’s hilarious.

Film: Bond at the Imax.

Binge watch: Impeachment: American Crime Story.

Sounds: The Stories of our times podcast on the Belarus migrant crisis and the latest Wolf Alice album.

Who is your role model? And why?

There’s a lot of people I look up to in broadcasting but I’d say the two standouts for me are the journalist Alex Crawford and writer/actress Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Both incredibly talented women, known for breaking the mould in television. I just really admire and enjoy their work. For different reasons obviously!

What is your most treasured possession?

A vintage opal ring my mom gave me for my 30th birthday. It’s irreplaceable.

Who would play you in the film of your life?

Julie Walters. Because she’s from Birmingham like me, and she’s short, like me.

Last holiday destination? And why?

Ibiza. There were still quite strict measures on the island at the time so not a lot was open when we went. But it’s beaches are stunning and it was on the amber list so why not!

You’ve won ten million on the Lottery – what do you do?

I’d buy a house in London, as I still haven’t managed that yet. Then I’d rent it out and go travelling around South America because I love the food and I’m trying to learn Spanish.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

My old editor once told me, if something goes wrong, “learn from it and move on.” I’m a bit of a perfectionist so sometimes I let the little things get to me too much.

What one bit of advice would you give someone wanting to do your job?

Go with your gut. Might sound cheesy but sometimes in TV the pressure can get to you. I honestly think the best thing to do is take a breath and follow your instincts. If it wasn’t right, learn from it and move on.

Tell us something not many people know about you…? 

I hate tea. Something that’s frowned upon by my family and British society as a whole.

Who would be your three Fantasy Dinner Party guests? And why? 

Prince Harry – to tell all. Will Ferrell – to make us laugh. Michelle Obama – to impart her wisdom and share her experiences.